Alternative Provision - The Hive 2023 - 2024

Miss Webb


Welcome to The Hive. 

Our important dates to remember can be found by clicking this link

The Hive is an Alternative Provision which was established in 2019 and works closely with Bridgelea Primary School. Children who attend this provision have a personalised curriculum that meets their social, emotional and academic needs and are at risk of being permanently excluded due to these difficulties. Places are allocated within the provision via the panel at Bridgelea for children who have an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP), who are requiring an assessment place ahead of their EHCP application or who need respite from their current school setting.

There are only a small number of children within each classroom in the Hive. 


Meet the Team!

In The Hive you will meet:

Miss Webb, Debbie, Elaine, Sally, Konner, Freyha, Danielle and Barrie.


What will we be doing this term (SPR 2) ?

The Zones of Regulation:

We will come together to explore ‘The Zones of Regulation’ which helps us to better understand our emotions and how to manage them. It gives the children the opportunity to use a shared language and vocabulary to communicate how they might be feeling.  Alongside other familiar interventions.

Literacy:In Hive 1, we will be exploring the book 'How to wash a Woolly Mammoth' to help further our understanding of how of instructions are important in every day life. 

In Hive 2, Konner made a shocking discovery in the Hive garden... an Eygptian mummy!! We used the skills we have been learning this term to write a Newspaper report about it. We have also been exploring the features of a Mystery text. 


In Hive 1, we have been exploring related facts and subtraction. We have been enjoying lots of fun and practical ways to help us. 

In Hive 2, we have been working on our multiplication and division. we are now masters at our times tables and have even managed to beat the teachers a few times!!!

Science and History:

In Hive 1, we have be investigating the topic of identifying animals including humans. We have enjoyed learning all about the different varialties of animals. 

In Hive 2, we have been exploring the Anglo-Saxons and learning more about Viking settlers. We have really enjoyed this topic and we even got to make our own Viking sheilds. 


In Hive 1, we have been exploring how to draw a self portrait. We have been practicing how to draw our ears, eyes, nose and mouth. We have been looking at the work of numerous artist such as, Andy Warhol.

In Hive 2, we have been looking at depicting the weather through art and learning about artists such as, Peter Bruegel.


Every Monday morning, we will be working on our movement and hand-eye-co-ordination skills through sports such as basket ball. The children may come in their PE kits for the day. 


We have been listening and appraising songs. Hive 2 are currently learning Mamma Mia by Abba!


Important Information

Outdoor Learning - We are very active in the Hive and do lots of outdoor learning.  Given the fact the weather in England, can be very wet and miserable, we advise that your child bring a change of clothes and socks to change into, just in case they get wet.  We also advise for them to bring wellies to school, as a bit of mud isn't going to stop us!  We do provide water proof trousers, but these may not always keep them completely dry.

Water bottles - It is always important for your child to stay hydrated and give their brain and muscles fuel to learn, so please provide a newly filled, fresh bottle of water to school everyday to drink.

Reading - Reading at home is so important and this should be completed each day for 10 minutes. This can be done with their school reading book, or they can access their next lesson Reading Eggs  or visit the Reading Eggs library.  Please write a daily log of reading at home in their school planner.


The Hive curriculum the children are taught at “stage not age”, and many demonstrate difficulties in learning due to their SEMH needs. We aim to develop key skills and through providing a safe, inclusive learning environment, and breakdown some of the barriers to learning that the children may have.



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At Newall Green Primary School, we are a Peace Mala and Rights Respecting School. We provide an environment where the children feel happy, safe and ready to learn.
We use the five key skills for life; problem solving, teamwork, self-management (initiative, organisation, accountability), self-belief (confidence, resilience, positive attitude), and communication, so we are ‘Aiming High to Reach Our Goals’.

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